
Joy in learning begins in the 较低的学校, from Pre-Kindergarten through 五年级. 威尼斯144777cm相信孩子的好奇心是天生的,是上帝赋予的, and we work to cultivate that wonder in the primary years. Our students are provided opportunities to explore and make discoveries across academic disciplines that will enhance their understanding of the world around them. Spiritual formation is nurtured through classroom devotions, 每周礼拜仪式, 以及用爱心和谦卑为他人服务的实践.

每天早晨以教室聚会开始, a time for children to build community and pray for their day. 教授学生适当的社交技巧, 分享, and listening skills because we believe when children feel comfortable socially, 他们更有可能在学业上投入.

Through the implementation of the Singapore Math program, 学生们发现数学秩序之美. Building on a conceptual understanding of abstract algorithms, 他们发展了获取更高层次数学概念的技能. 通过运用阅读的科学, we continuously develop a quality Language 艺术 program with the aim of developing students who are self-motivated, 挑剔的读者, 和明确的, 有思想的作家. 通过基于项目的学习, 学生充当学徒, guided by grade-level teachers who shepherd their interests in purposeful ways. From conducting in-depth research to finding pleasure in a good book to drawing maps from memory to competing in a chess tournament, 低年级学生喜欢学习.


This year marks Bill Zimmerman’s twelfth year at 威尼斯144777cm, 他在哪里担任过高中校长, 教务长, 目前担任小学临时校长. Mr. 齐默尔曼学习历史和古典文学(B.A., M.A)在罗格斯大学. 在他四十多年的教育生涯中, 他教过, 指导, and held administrative positions in both independent and 私人 Christian schools. 在贝塞斯达的兰登学校, 马里兰, he designed and implemented the 上学校’s keystone Humanities program. As founding Head of The Fourth Presbyterian School in Potomac, 马里兰州(学前班至四年级), he developed a unique interdisciplinary program for lower school students, blending rigorous academics and moral and spiritual training. 在他的职业生涯中, he has served on accreditation committees for several independent schools, 主持并出席了许多教育会议, and has been the recipient of two National Endowment for the Humanities grants, one for study abroad in Florence and Rome and the other for independent research in the Humanities.


The foundation of an education at 威尼斯144777cm is laid in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. It is in those formative years that young minds are exposed to rich language, 表演游戏, 数学和科学发现, 自然观察. Students experience sensory immersion through innovative teaching techniques and spend time outdoors to discover how they may use their senses to explore the world around them. Creative faculty teach through stories and begin asking students to tell—and write—their own imaginative stories.

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students are also able to participate in each of the classes and extracurricular activities other students enjoy like Art, 音乐, Foregin语言, 体育课, 教堂, 实地考察旅行, 当然, 课间休息.


随着学生年龄的增长, they are given more responsibility with the support of teachers who understand the importance of this transitional year. 学习者注重建立学习习惯——组织, 独立, resilience—as they take ownership of their learning and prepare for the middle school years ahead. Teachers work with students to fine-tune the skills of clear writing and persuasive articulation of thoughts and ideas.


  • 专注学习时间

    专注学习时间 (AFT) is a dedicated study hall for fourth and fifth graders intended to support and serve their organizational needs and academic habits. Students are given time to read independently and complete homework with support of the teacher.
  • 选修课

    五年级 students have the opportunity to participate in electives. Each student chooses a year-long performing art elective from a choice of chorus or handbells. In addition to the performing arts elective, students choose one elective for each trimester.  The options include coding, games, exploratory art, photography, chess, and service squad.


Birdwood校园 |低年级| Pre-K-五年级 |
弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔伯德伍德路1000号22903 | 434.220.7309

位于夏洛茨维尔, VA, 威尼斯144777cm是非宗派的, 私人, Christian day school for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. 学生受益于具有挑战性的学术课程, 视觉及表演艺术, 竞争激烈的体育运动, 还有丰富的课外活动可供选择.